In 2019, an English television presenter and actress Helen Skelton was scammed through the call as the perpetrator of a crime disguised themself as a bank employee. As per the word of Helen, a series of questions were asked for security reasons as they convinced her that it was from her bank, and the next she knew, she had already lost her 70k pounds savings.

In 2019, Helen was in an interview with the tv presenter Lorraine. During the show, Helen talked extensively about her children and family life. However, at the end of the fun topics, she was compelled to talk about being the victim of such an internet banking scam.

Helen Skelton talking about the internet scam with Lorraine
Helen Skelton talking about the internet scam with Lorraine Source: Daily Mail.

It was just a common evening for the Skelton family as she was with her three children in her home. Suddenly she received a call saying that it was from the bank and something had happened to her account. Helen confessed that she answered all the questions without question, and her savings were gone within a week!


Afraid for her children’s future

Following the incident of bank scamming, Helen Skelton talked about how she has become conscious of her children’s future. Helen revealed that she gets worried about her two sons, Ernie Myler, six years old, and Louis Myler, four years old, as they actively talk with people online.

“….it is incredibly important to me that my children are equipped to spot a scam, even in the seemingly harmless environment of a video game.”

The 70 thousand pounds of her life savings were for her children. With all the savings gone, she has to save up all over again. She states, 

Helen Skelton with her children in February 2022
Helen Skelton with her children in February 2022. Source: Instagram

Post scamming

After being a victim of bank scamming, Helen Skelton hasnt revealed whether the prep had been caught or not. Nor her lost 70 thousand pounds has been recovered from the prep. After the scamming incident, Helen collaborated with Lloyds Bank and started discussing internet awareness and scamming in her program. She speaks,

“We’re not talking about little old ladies who are victims who don’t understand the internet; that’s a massively naive assumption. It’s happening to people, and they’re too embarrassed to say it’s happened.”


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