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Stephen “tWitch” Boss - FameandName

How old is Weslie Fowler? When was her Birthdate?

Weslie Fowler, whose real name is Weslie Renae Fowler was born in the United States, on 26 May 2008 as a daughter of a mother, Allison Holker. Currently, she is 14 years old, and according to her birth date, her zodiac sign is Gemini. Weslie was born to a celebrity mother, Allison Holker, a famous […]

What is the relationship between Allison Holker and Weslie Fowler?

An American-born beautiful dancer Allison Holker is the mother of a beautiful daughter, Weslie Fowler. Allison gave birth to her first child, daughter Weslie with her ex-fiancé. They got engaged after falling in love with each other, and their romantic relationship made them give birth to her adorable daughter Weslie Fowler on 26 May 2008. […]

Who are Weslie Fowler’s real Parents? Is Weslie Fowler adopted?

Weslie Fowler, whose real name is Weslie Renae Fowler, was born in the United States, on 26 May 2008, as a daughter of a mother, Allison Holker, but her biological father’s name is still missing from the media. Her mother and father were not married, but they had engaged. Later, Weslie Fowler’s mother fell in […]